Our Support team uses the following definitions for a ticket's Priority Levels:
- Urgent: Represents a complete loss of service or a significant feature that is completely unavailable, and no workaround is available. Does not include development issues or problems in testing/training/staging/trial sites.
- High: Includes intermittent issues and reduced quality of service. A workaround is not available.
- Medium: Includes intermittent issues and reduced quality of service. A workaround is available.
- Low: Includes product questions, training, meeting requests, feature requests and development issues.
If the priority level is not set by the client, the ticket will default to Low.
Support team members reserve the right to reclassify the priority level of a ticket at any time if we reasonably believe the classification is incorrect. Re-classifications are almost exclusively used in situations where a ticket is submitted as Urgent/High, but the situation contradicts the Urgent/High definition - usually a set-up issue, or how-to question.
Support team members may also increase the priority level if the situation is deemed to be more urgent than originally reported.
Last updated 15th April 2021